Know a Company and Trade Safely

Knowledge and insights on company search and due diligence in China

Log in to view summary of purchased reports and search history

Log in to view summary of purchased reports and search history

Use | 2024-02-06

Recently, we have added a login feature to the website. The initial design of aimed to provide services with minimal user information logging. With the increase in service volume, more and more users wish to view summarized search records and purchase histories and independently and conveniently merge past purchases to obtain invoices.

In light of this, we have added a login feature. This function does not require setting passwords but instead uses email to receive verification codes.

Through the login feature, the following functionalities can be achieved:

  • All searches made after logging in will be recorded on the "My Account" page under the "Search history" tab for easy tracking and resuming incomplete searches.
  • For searches that do not identify specific companies, you can quickly initiate a "Company Name Research" request with us. Our analysts will analyze and inform you of the identified target companies from your search.
  • View all purchased reports and select reports for which you need invoices. Multiple reports can be included in a single invoice.

login snapshot

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Instant Company Search

Search Chinese companies and get search automatically generated reports in minutes

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Knowledge Center

We write articles about knowledge and insights for conducting company searches and due diliegnce for Chinese companies. The articles are based on our extensive local experience.

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Our e-book

Know-A-Company Checklist

A checklist for conducting background checks on a Chinese supplier before purchasing from it


We provide tools and services on public information search for companies in China. Our mission is to organize public business information in emerging markets and make it accessible through automated tools and value-added services to provide insights into your business decision.

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