Know a Company and Trade Safely

Knowledge and insights on company search and due diligence in China

Welcoming the New Year: A Fresh Start

Welcoming the New Year: A Fresh Start

Use | 2023-12-31

Happy New Year! Wishing you joy, success, and endless possibilities in the year ahead.

In the dawn of this new year, amidst a world of continual change and growing information complexities, where accessing information in some regions (or regarding some topics) becomes increasingly complex, our commitment remains steadfast: making public information that is crucial to your business decision accessible through automated tools and value-added services.

Here's to another year of providing invaluable support to your journey of informed decision-making. Thank you for entrusting us with your needs.

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Three common types of foreign-invested entities in China

Three common types of foreign-invested entities in China

Company law of China | 2023-02-03

Company, partnership, and representative office are China's three major organization types of foreign-invested entities. The Company Law, the Partnership Enterprise Law, and the Administrative Regulations on the Registration of Permanent Representati ......

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Selected cases of companies with severe law violations in the Yangtze River Delta region in 2022

Selected cases of companies with severe law violations in the Yangtze River Delta region in 2022

Company law of China | 2023-03-04

In February 2023, the State Administration for Market Regulation authorities in the Yangtze River Delta region released the cases of severe law violations and untrustworthiness cases in 2022. Our editor selected three typical ones from the announceme ......

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We write articles about knowledge and insights for conducting company searches and due diliegnce for Chinese companies. The articles are based on our extensive local experience.

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Know-A-Company Checklist

A checklist for conducting background checks on a Chinese supplier before purchasing from it


We provide tools and services on public information search for companies in China. Our mission is to organize public business information in emerging markets and make it accessible through automated tools and value-added services to provide insights into your business decision.

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