Know a Company and Trade Safely

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Caution! Companies using this image as their branding pictures might be exaggerating business capabilities

Caution! Companies using this image as their branding pictures might be exaggerating business capabilities

Due diligence | 2023-03-12

In our recent work assisting one of our clients in performing a public domain search on a potential supplier, the Knowaco team noted that the target company was using a falsified branding image on its websites. The questionable picture shows the target company's office building and front door. We further found various companies also use photos with the same building and front door but only change the company logo and name in the image.

The actual company having this building and the front door is 3M Material Technology (Suzhou) Co., Ltd., which can be verified through the street view of the Baidu Map.


Baidu Map - Street view:


Interestingly, we saw many companies use this image by changing the company name of the logo on the building and the wall. We listed some as follows:

山东台鑫防水科技有限公司 (Shandong Taixin Waterproof Technology Co., Ltd)

Taixin Waterproof

河南三特炉业科技有限公司 (Henan Saftherm Furnace Technology Co., Ltd)


深圳市星弈环保科技有限公司 (Shenzhen Xingyi Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd)


山东海科森机械有限公司 (Shandong Hixen Machinery Company Ltd)


While it is possible that the hired web designers of the above companies use the same stock image, the real office location of these companies must be worse than the pictures. Otherwise, they will not borrow this "branding image" or ignore the review.

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