Know a Company and Trade Safely

Knowledge and insights on company search and due diligence in China

Understanding the 8 Business Registration Statuses in China

Understanding the 8 Business Registration Statuses in China

Company search and compliance | 2024-06-16

In China, the Administration for Market Regulation (AMR) maintains a comprehensive business registration system. This system tracks each company's status, providing information about its operational health and potential risks. Understanding the eight critical business registration statuses can be crucial for making informed business decisions and assessing business opportunities.Please read this article in our Blog: ......

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What are the primary elements on a Chinese company's business license?

What are the primary elements on a Chinese company's business license?

Company search and compliance | 2023-08-26

The business license in China, as we recognize it today, has undergone a series of changes and reforms, reflecting China's rapidly evolving business environment, legal system, and commitment to streamlining bureaucratic procedures. Here's a brief history of the evolution of the Chinese company's business license:Pre-reform Era (Before 1978):Before the economic reforms initiated by Deng Xiaoping in the late 1970s, China's economy was primarily planned and controlled by the state. Private enterprises were almost non-existent, and thus, there was ......

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What if you can't find the company registration information using English keywords?

What if you can't find the company registration information using English keywords?

Company search and compliance | 2023-08-06

Do Chinese companies have official English names?The answer to this question is no. The law explicitly stipulates that company names can only be in Chinese. According to the "Regulations on the Administration of Enterprise Name Registration," becoming effective on 1 March 2021:A company can only register one name. The name of the company should consist of two or more Chinese characters.The company name should be in Chinese characters. The name of companies in autonomous regions can also use ethnic languages.Before 30 December 2022, the Min ......

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How to check if a company in China is real? (Part 2: background check)

How to check if a company in China is real? (Part 2: background check)

Company search and compliance | 2023-05-22

We do company searches and background checks every day for our clients. According to our experience, at most times, a simple Google search can reveal potential abnormal risk signals in a company's operation.Here are some examples of how background checks can help know a company. #1 - Multiple websites used for the same company and productsWe found that the target company ("Company A") has at least six domain variations, and on the respective websites, the company names are the same, and the contents are alike. Worse, we noted that the registrat ......

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How to check if a company in China is real? (Part 1: Registration check)

How to check if a company in China is real? (Part 1: Registration check)

Company search and compliance | 2023-05-20

REAL – this word has different layers of meanings. A company could be a truly registered entity but conduct fake business or exaggerate its operational strength. So, the basic level of checking a company is to verify its registration information. Further check procedures may primarily focus on a company’s business and operation authenticity.Checking a company’s registration in China is not difficult. Anyone can search the information from the National Enterprise Credit Information Publicity System by searching the company names or social ......

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Six tips for avoiding supplier scams when importing from China

Six tips for avoiding supplier scams when importing from China

Company search and compliance | 2023-03-19

Importing products from China can be a lucrative business, but it also comes with its own set of risks. One of the most significant risks is falling victim to supplier scams. These scams can cost you a lot of money and cause considerable stress. Here are some tips on how to avoid supplier scams when importing from China.1. Research the supplier thoroughly. Before doing business with a supplier in China, it is essential to research them thoroughly. Look for reviews and feedback from other customers who have previously worked with the suppli ......

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How to conduct background check on a Chinese company if you only have its English name?

How to conduct background check on a Chinese company if you only have its English name?

Company search and compliance | 2023-01-26

A Chinese company does not necessarily have an official English name, as only a Chinese name is required by law for business registration, making it difficult to perform a background check if you are provided only with the company name in English.Some web articles may suggest you search the record of Registration and Filing Form for Foreign Trade Business (对外贸易经营者备案登记) in a system provided by the Ministry of Commerce of China.However, this method is outdated, as since 30 December 2022, according to amendments to the Foreig ......

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We provide tools and services on public information search for companies in China. Our mission is to organize public business information in emerging markets and make it accessible through automated tools and value-added services to provide insights into your business decision.

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