Know a Company and Trade Safely

Knowledge and insights on company search and due diligence in China

Introducing Our New Service: Flex Report - Tailored Report Just for You!

Introducing Our New Service: Flex Report - Tailored Report Just for You!

Use | 2023-06-18

We are thrilled to announce the launch of our exciting new type of the Instant Company Search Report - "Flex Report". Now you have the power to select the contents delivered to you based on your own unique needs and preferences, just like building blocks!

At, we understand that each of our customers has distinct requirements when it comes to gathering insights and data. That's why we have developed this new report type, allowing you to shape your reports according to your specific interests and goals.

Unlike the previous pre-defined report content, i.e., the Pre, Basic, and Riskplus Reports, the new Flex Report offers you the freedom to choose the information that matters most to you. Meanwhile, you have the chance to save costs with a focus on the information you are interested in.

Here's how it works:

1. Just as conducting a regular Instant Company Search on our site, you can search a company by using its name or social credit code.

search box

2. The search engine will direct you to the report type selection page, where you can select the fourth option, Flex.

report type selection - flex report

3. After selecting "Flex", the report contents selector will appear below. You can tailor the report content from there based on your needs.

flex report contents selection

We are excited to embark on this journey with you, providing tailor-made insights that empower your success. 

Please contact [email protected] if you have any questions.

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We provide tools and services on public information search for companies in China. Our mission is to organize public business information in emerging markets and make it accessible through automated tools and value-added services to provide insights into your business decision.

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