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List of Pilot Enterprises for Used Vehicles Exports in Henan Province (2023)
28 companies in the list
Location: Henan

Publish date: 2023-08-12
Source: Henan Provincial Department of Commerce
According to the "Henan Province Used Car Export Implementation Plan", "Management Measures for Pilot Enterprises of Used Car Exports in Henan Province", and "Notification from the Henan Provincial Department of Commerce on Organizing Applications for Used Car Export Pilot Enterprises", after enterprise applications, preliminary reviews by the commerce authorities of the enterprises' locations, and evaluations by the review panel, the candidate enterprises for used car exports in Henan Province are now publicly announced as follows.

Number Company name
26 Xinyang Gaofa Supply Chain Management Co., Ltd.
27 Henan Jiuqi Logistics Co., Ltd.
28 Zhoukou Zimu Automobile Sales Co., Ltd.

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