Name research notes

Ref#: NR-QRIMG9217

Date of research

2023-04-25 00:31:05


Yiwu Mazoma Sport Co., Ltd. refers to the following company:

Company name (formal, Chinese): 义乌威和体育用品有限公司
Company social credit code: 91330782343979230T

Please use the above Chinese name or social credit code for company search on

Details supporting the conclusion

We conducted research on the English name “Yiwi mazmazoma sport”. We noted in Alibaba and Waimaotong, there is a company named “Yiwu Mazoma Sport Co., Ltd.” which might be the company you are looking up.




However, by using the English name, we cannot locate the Chinese company name/information directly. We reach our conclusion by comparing the company address in Alibaba and Waimaotong.

Addresses found:

Alibaba: Room 402, No. 36, Houyu Middle Zone, Jinhua, Zhejiang, China (“Address A”)

Waimaotong: Unit 6, Building 7, Area 3, Houshentang Village, Choujiang Street, Yiwu, Jinhua, Zhejiang, China (Mainland) (“Address B”)

We further noted that the company address of a company named “义乌威和体育用品有限公司” can match the above both addresses found on Alibaba and Waimaotong. Company records show that the address of “义乌威和体育用品有限公司” was changed from Address B to Address A on 28 March 2018.

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