Guangzhou Jinlong Automobile Development Co., Ltd.


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Company Search Report Pre Report Basic Report Riskplus Report Flex Report
Sample report Pre Basic Riskplus Flex
Price US$ 4.9 US$ 24.9 US$ 39.9 Based on modules selected

Company basic information

Company name (including historical names), legal representative, registered address, incorporation date, company status, subscribed and paid-in capital, managing authority, company type, industry and business scope

Organizational information

Company contacts (phone, email, and website as applicable), number of employees, shareholders, directors, and management, subsidiaries/invested entities, and branches


Company history

Registration change records


Basic legal risk

Court records (Court opening notice and lawsuits as defendant/plaintiff)


Basic financial and operational risk

Tax credit rating and qualifications/licenses


Operational risk (more dimensions)

Government inspection records, date and reason for deregistration (if applicable), administrative orders, and abnormal operation records


Legal risk (more dimensions)

Judgment debtors/dishonest judgement debtors, terminated execution cases, restrictions on high-amount consumptions, and serious law offenses


Financial risk (more dimensions)

Bankruptcy, reorganization and liquidation records, unsettled tax overdue and tax violations, current assets mortgage records

  1. All information in the search result is from PUBLIC SOURCES, i.e., open data and public websites. If there are no results, it will be listed as "no result found".

  2. The original language of the information is Chinese. The translations are automatically produced and are for your reference only. Please see our quality check service as below which is optional.


We provide tools and services on public information search for companies in China. Our mission is to organize public business information in emerging markets and make it accessible through automated tools and value-added services to provide insights into your business decision.

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