Instant Company Search

Search Chinese companies and download reports instantly

Tech & data-driven

In English

Online service 7x24

Holistic risk indicators

Our e-book

Know-A-Company Checklist

A checklist for supplier screening - registration verification and background checks

Report types and content

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Pre Basic Riskplus Flex New


1. All information in the search result is from PUBLIC SOURCES, i.e., open data and public websites.

2. The original language of the information is not English. The English translation is automatically produced and is for your reference only. Manual quality check service is optional with a cost of US$69.9 per report, which is available only for Basic, Riskplus and Flex reports.

3. Search results are all based on public information. If there are no results, it will be listed as "no result found".

Featured articles

Understanding the 8 Business Registration Statuses in China

Understanding the 8 Business Registration Statuses in China

Company search and compliance | 2024-06-16

In China, the Administration for Market Regulation (AMR) maintains a comprehensive business registration system. This system tracks each company's status, providing information about its operational health and potential risks. Understanding the eight ......

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Log in to view summary of purchased reports and search history

Log in to view summary of purchased reports and search history

Use | 2024-02-06

Recently, we have added a login feature to the website. The initial design of aimed to provide services with minimal user information logging. With the increase in service volume, more and more users wish to view summarized search records ......

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New Company Law clarifies that the registered capital must be fully paid within five years

New Company Law clarifies that the registered capital must be fully paid within five years

Company law of China | 2024-01-19

On 29 December 2023, the National People's Congress of China voted to pass the newly revised "Company Law of the People's Republic of China" (hereinafter referred to as the "Company Law"). The revised "Company Law" will come into effect on 1 Jul ......

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We provide tools and services on public information search for companies in China. Our mission is to organize public business information in emerging markets and make it accessible through automated tools and value-added services to provide insights into your business decision.

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